Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2015

nomadic village workshop, talk and discussion @ cmak

the captain on his way to cmak

for Wednesday Nomadic Village brought two small programs to CMAK:

Captain Klaus on freestyle analog colour-photography
We took a group portrait of all the attendends with an old school wooden large format camera and
developed the colour negative with a very simple set up.
The aim of this performance is to show that it can be quite simple to work on film, even in colour.
In the next days, Captain Klaus will make a print of the negative in his mini mini darkroom in the caravan.
Everybody is invited to drop by and have a look and an introduction to printing.

Anna Lipphardt on Artists and Mobility in Europe
From fighting for freedom of movement and expression to paving the way for neo-liberalism.
followed by a short introduction to the Nomadic Village by Captain Klaus
followed by a very interesting discussion about the theme: To what extend we are part of these dynamics, and how we can counteract them?
introducing the magic of a large format camera
the magic
quick & dirty developement set up
and voila, the negative
very interesting discussion with anna lipphardt, small but dangers and cmak

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